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How to sell the first 1,000 copies of your book in 30 Days

Makings of a Bestseller

If you have a book idea that’s waiting to take shape, if you have a manuscript ready to be published, or if you have a book that’s not getting the attention it deserves – this workshop is for you.

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Saturday, 15th May, 2021 | 07:30 pm – 09:30pm IST Only 20 Seats

Did you know, on an average a book sells only 250 copies in a YEAR!

Less than 1% of the authors sell more than a 1,000 copies on Amazon and across multiple platforms.

Book writing is hard. We have been there. If you’ve already written a book, you know it too. Most authors spend 6 months to maybe 3 years writing a book only to finally sell a few hundred copies. The whole process can feel exhausting and can make you feel, “was it all worth it?”

But why does that happen? Why does a book that you have written so painstakingly, not sell? And what about those books that sell millions of copies?

Here’s the secret to bestselling books

People who sell millions of books know that it’s about:

  • 30% book writing and 70% marketing.
  • Selling the most copies in the first 48 hours
  • Dominating a niche instead of targeting everyone and their aunt
  • the first 2 weeks of launch

“The work of promoting the book requires just as much work as writing the book, if not more so.”

— Adam S. McHugh

Best Selling authors know this. And they have perfected book marketing it to an art form! And that’s where most first time authors lose out.

Most first time authors don’t even consider marketing a vital part of their book writing journey. But trust me, in today’s marketplace where over 2 MILLION books get published every year – you need to stand out from the crowd. Only when people notice you, they will buy from you.

You’ve put so much effort into the book. Why not ensure it becomes a success! To sell a book you need more than a few Googled marketing tips. You need a concrete plan. And we have just the thing to help you get the visibility your book deserves.

Join our workshop “Makings of a Bestseller” and take away expert advice and actionable plans to get those 1000 copies selling!

Janelle Christa

Author, ScreenWriter, Producer, Actress

Writing is a very personal experience that can be very frustrating and challenging. As an author, you pour your heart, soul, dedication, and courage into your books. Supriya Jain made me a better writer, and not just on my current projects—but for the rest of my future writing career! I cannot thank you enough!! You are truly remarkable and very gifted at what you do. Nothing but love for you!

Gowri S. Ramani

Founder, Lumen Coaching | Director, ICF Global Standards & Credentials Board – International Coaching Federation

“I’m really glad I came for this. I have been working on a book idea for a while. I’ve started some research but beyond that I had no idea how it would translate into something that the reader can hold in his/ her hand. This retreat has crystallised that for me.”

Sriram S.

Director & Head HR, LEAP Expert

“The kind of clarity that came to be is amazing… I liked the design of the sessions… Learned a lot about marketing, publishing, and making the right pitch.”

Rohit MS

Co-Founder, Zensciences

“It’s been a journey of discovery – the how-tos and whys of writing a book. The biggest takeaway for me has been understanding the various facets that are involved in writing a book and how does one go about publishing it. There’s so much more that comes AFTER writing a book. That was fantastic.”

Advit Sahdev

Founder Hunch, India’s Most Popular CMO, CNBC Young Turk

“Great experience. Few things I realized over here that were completely mind blowing. I was able to pinpoint my target audience. I understood the mode in which I need to proceed further. What could have been a never ending process is now extremely clear.”

Sandeep J Matthew

“Supriya has been extremely helpful in my journey as a writer. She took my rudimentary thoughts and guided me on making them high-impact written pieces. Her feedback was crisp and to the point and her comments were never misplaced even once. Every single feedback she shared was incredibly useful, and I was proud of the final outcomes. They’ve helped evoke some great conversations and comments and none of it would have been possible without Supriya.”

Jaykumar Hariharan

Executive Coach & Author of Rewire

“Anirudh introduced me to marketing approaches that I hadn’t even thought about. His tips were a great help in getting traction for my book.”

Savitha Nanjappa

Life & Business Coach, Founder of Success with Savitha

“Anirudh’s approach to book marketing is certainly unique. Got some great actionable insights!”

Uday Jose

“Without execution, strategy is nothing. Anirudh helps you create and execute your book marketing strategy. A must attend session for every author.”

Who should attend

  • Any aspiring author looking to write a book
  • Current book writers who are writing their first few chapters and looking to get it published
  • Book writers who have finished writing their first draft
  • Published authors who want to give their books a new lease of life

Decode the marketing matrix for your book

We’re going to cover:

  • A detailed step by step process from when to start marketing to what you need to do to sell 1,000 copies in 30 days
  • How to create marketable assets from your book
  • How to rank in the top 10 on Amazon for your book
  • How to pick a niche and do competitor analysis
  • How to pick a title and color of a book to stand out in bookstores/online marketplaces
  • How to create virality in the first week to sell a 1,000 copies
  • How to get influencers to provide excerpts and testimonials for your book
  • How to get coverage on podcasts, blogs, facebook groups, channels without spending a single dime on marketing
  • How to setup your Amazon page for organic sales for the book
  • How to get your first 100 reviews on Amazon

What You’ll Get:

  • 2 Hours of actionable content
  • 15+ Email templates you can use to reach out to publications, facebook groups, Podcasts, meetups, podcasts, youtube channels, testimonials, to interview influencers/celebrities
  • A landing page template to improve conversions for your book
  • A landscape analysis that you can use to reach out to your audience Ideas on how to convert your book into workshops, blogs, podcasts, courses and everything around it
  • Lifetime access to the program recording
  • A 20 min 1-1 call to discuss your individual marketing plan

All this at just INR 899 if you are one of the first five people to sign up!

Hurry! Just 4 spots left!

Early bird

(Before 20 Apr)

₹ 899

General Sale

(Before 10 May)

₹ 1,999

Late Sale

(Upto 15 May)

₹ 2,499

*18% GST extra

Learn From The Best

Supriya Jain

Know more about her at www.supriyajain.com or find her on Instagram.

Supriya is an award winning marketer and founder of the #BeUnstoppable movement. A single mom to a feisty 2-year old baby boy and a laid-back 4.5-year old Labrador, Supriya is a solopreneur who thrives on new ideas and experiences that have the potential to change the world. Her passion is telling stories that matter, building meaningful connections, and serving the community in whatever way she can.

In the last 13+ years, she has helped build the voice of multiple brands, created her own businesses, and followed her passion for storytelling as a solopreneur. Her skill with words has made her the voice of many CEOs and Chairpersons in leading organizations. She has personally been published on reputed platforms such as the World Economic Forum on a variety of topics including technology, entrepreneurship, and women centric issues.

An entrepreneur at heart, she stepped out of a lucrative corporate career to follow her passion and successfully founded a boutique marketing consultancy that grew 10x in just 3 years. She has consulted over 60 large B2B and B2C clients as well as startups on their brand messaging, story, and content strategy and has facilitated over 500 hours of learning. She now functions as a solopreneur and coaches people on how to monetize their skills and build successful solo businesses.

Featured in

Anirudh Narayan

Anirudh is the author of Scale Smart: How To Get Your First 1,000 Customers In India, a book that provides hundreds of examples, live case studies and marketing breakdowns of how companies like Byju, Slideshare, Practo, Inmobi and 30 others got their first 1,000 customers in India broken down by channel. Scale smart was endorsed by Shradha Sharma as one of the best books written by an Indian author for the startup ecosystem. It ranked #14 on Amazon under the Business Self-Help section and has sold more than 5,000+ copies since Jan 2019.

He is also a growth specialist that has helped over 5,000 aspiring entrepreneurs and 100 startups in US, Latin America, Africa and Asia with launching their idea, reaching product-market fit and scale. His core specialties lie in user acquisition, funnel optimization, growth hacking and business development. Anirudh’s previous experiences involve Growth at Rocket Internet, Shutterstock, Lean Startup Machine as well as mentoring at accelerators like Numa, Techstars and Rolls Royce. He has also taught digital marketing with SimpliLearn and UpGrad. He was featured among the Top 500 Growth Hackers in the world in 2018.

Anirudh is currently the founder of Masterlife, a platform that helps people improve their mental fitness and the founder of GrowthSpartan, a marketing agency.

Just getting started on your

Bestseller Journey?

Kickstart your marketing engine

Need some help getting all this done? Check out our marketing packages
that will skyrocket your book’s visibility at minimal effort from your end

Basic (3 Months)

  • 3 appearances on webinars, podcasts, blogs and other digital platforms.
  • Creation of book landing page
  • 10 Reviews on Amazon
  • Optimizing listing on Amazon with A+ content, tile, keyword optimization
  • Coordinate book launch
  • 2-3 social media posts a week. Creation and dis
  • 1 Dedicated resource for execution
  • Weekly calls

Business (3 Months)

  • 5 appearances on webinars, podcast, blogs, video influencers or digital print
  • 25 Reviews on Amazon
  • Optimizing listing on Amazon with A+ content, tile and keyword optimization
  • Creation of landing page
  • Coordinate book launch across online and offline channels
  • Run paid ads on different channels (upto INR 5,000/ month)
  • 1 Dedicated resource
  • Weekly calls
  • 3-4 a week social media
  • weekly calls

Premium (3 Months)

  • 10 appearances for webinars, podcast, blogs, video influencers
  • Creating partnerships with journalists for features stories,
  • Executing the book launch across both online and offline channels
  • 50 Reviews for Amazon
  • 5-6 Creation of a Social Media plan and creatives along with distribution of content across all profiles (LinkedIn, Facebook,
  • Creation of Landing page
  • Creation and optimization of Amazon page, optimize for keyword search and A+ Content
  • weekly calls for follow up
  • Rs 10,000/month spent on marketing across channels
  • weekly calls

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