Hi! I am Supriya
- Single Mom
- Solopreneur
- Coach
- Writer
- TEDx Speaker
- Marketing Practitioner
I thrive on new ideas and experiences that have the potential to change the world. My passion is telling stories that matter, building meaningful connections, and serving the community in whatever way I can.
But there was a time when I was so caught up in the rat race that I couldn’t see the big picture. There was a time when nothing mattered to me more than advancing in my career. I worked insane hours, even if I got up for a drink of water at 2:00am I would first check my emails and respond to them. I come from a conservative small town where girls in my generation were supposed to get married, have babies and raise them. They were denied their choices and their identity. I had a very unique opportunity – as a girl out and about in the corporate world – to prove myself and I was hell bent on succeeding the conventional way – getting a bigger house, bigger car, and a fatter paycheck. I wanted to make it big and I played to all my strengths – using every idea, every insight, every skill to push forward. And I found a life partner who had the same zeal and ambition. We worked brilliantly as a team and finally our efforts were showing results. And we were pushing ourselves even more to “get there” faster – putting our lives and plans on hold.
And that blind race continued till one day life jarred me to a stop. Till a shock forced me to stop and rethink my life and my priorities.
The only way to come out on top is to venture beyond the horizon that you can see.
My best friend of 15 years and husband of 5, died in an accident. He was right there in the afternoon, waving me goodbye, and that same evening he was no more. It was sudden, and unreal, and the grief hit like a ton of bricks. In one moment, life as I saw it was upended. Chasing after career goals didn’t seem to matter all that much all of a sudden. After he was gone, it wasn’t the car that made me happy – it was memory of a day spent boating down a river. It wasn’t the next client I wanted, but the trip that we had been postponing for so long. It wasn’t the new dress that made me happy, but the old one that he complimented so often. He was my safe anchor, and suddenly he wasn’t there anymore.
This one moment changed me completely. It changed me in a way that abuse, harassment, violation of my person, and even the prospect of losing a livelihood could not.
I’m not saying I left everything and became a monk. I am not even saying ambition is bad or that you should not have goals or dreams. My purpose now is to help people see clearly if their goals are worth their happiness. My purpose is to help them achieve their goals without sacrificing what’s truly important in life.
It was during this time that I also began chasing my extraordinary dream. That of motherhood. Gaurav and I were undergoing our first IVF cycle when he passed away. Even though he wasn’t there anymore, I decided to continue down this road. This baby would be my miracle. One I would manifest after three years of subjecting my body to invasive treatments. And Aditya defied all naysayers and disbelievers when he came to my arms 3 years after his father passed away – on the same day, in the same timeframe. Gaurav had come back as he promised – it just took him a bit longer than a couple of days.
And now that I am a mother, I also want to shape my child to be able to withstand anything the world throws at him. I want to give him experiences and connections and memories that will serve him better than rote education. And so, I am exploring alternative ways of learning that will make him a survivor and nurture his resilience.
I have learnt many things on this journey of grief, infertility, and motherhood and I talk about these topics in various forums. My video series #InfertilityDialogues is an attempt to start a conversation around this taboo topic.
Writing about my journey through grief to motherhood gave rise to my first book. It’s a collection of my experiences navigating the murky waters of loneliness, depression, fear, grief, and surgical procedures. My second book on resilience is about the lessons learnt in this journey and will be out next year.
Just before Gaurav’s accident, I had quit my full-time job to build a business. As a marketer I felt creative outputs generated by agencies weren’t delivering on business needs. And so, I started a boutique marketing consultancy that grew 10x in the span of a few short years. This is where we brought together strategy, storytelling, and design to help our clients achieve their business outcomes.
When Aditya was born, I made a conscious decision to spend more time with him, and so I branched out on my own as an independent consultant. I continue to work with large B2B and B2C clients as well as startups to create and execute on their brand promise. I use the power of the written word, to help them reach out to their audience and build engagement. I also work with my clients to drive transformational learning programs for individuals and businesses. In all my endeavors I am constantly looking to drive direct impact that helps you be unstoppable – be it in life, performance, or business.